WTPA Heads To Ettrick For First State Level Hook!

Fresh off a big start to the season in Ellsworth, WI, the Wisconsin Tractor Pullers Association is back at it this Saturday for the first state level event of the 2022 season. Ettrick, WI is the destination with four of the association’s classes making the trek. The fans are going to be treated to seeing the Light Limited Super Stocks Tractors, Light Super Stocks, Super Stock 4×4 Trucks and of course, the Pro Street Diesel Trucks. If you’re looking for a solid four class event, this is an excellent place to start for a nice mix of tractors and trucks.

The Ettrick Power Pull, hosted by the Ettrick Lions Club, is no stranger to pulling with a history of big hooks. We are elated to be back there for 2022 having not been to Ettrick in several years. Speaking with local puller Ernest Schwartz (Hixton, WI – Driver of the PSDT Bessy), he tells us this venue “leaves you not wanting anything more from a pulling facility.” He went on to tell say “it’s really outstanding in all facets with a great big pit area, excellent bleacher seating and lots of room to stretch the legs for the pullers and fans alike.” Ernest said he’s “pulled here many times” and “it’s a track that pullers look forward to seeing.” That bodes well for a big show pulling fans.

With Ellsworth giving all the WTPA classes, except the Super Stock 4×4 Trucks, a chance to get out and get a run in. That is providing a nice long week for the pullers of these four classes an opportunity to make much needed changes and shore up items before Ettrick on Saturday. Look for some extremely tight competition come this weekend.

Ettrick’s Power Pull takes place Saturday, June 18th at 7:00PM. The Lions Club grounds are located right off of Hwy 53 on Ettrick’s south side. Admission is $20.00 for adults ($5.00 off for military), $5.00 for kids 12 yrs to 18 and FREE for kids under 12 yrs. Keep it tuned to WTPA on Facebook and to our website all week for the latest updates.

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Check out their event page here:
